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Call Me Strawberries & Cookies

Call Me hand dipped chocolate chip cookies & Chocolate Covered Strawberry Gift set
Fresh Chocolate strawberries, Decorated with "Call Me", Drizzled or Fancy Berries, Dipped chocolate chip cookies.
Price: $47.74
Gift Card Note: (sign your card) help on gift cards
* 150 letters allowed, one card per shipment, no smileys

Chocolate types for strawberries:

Strawberry & Cookie Counts:
6 Strawberries, 6 Dipped Cookies(Included)
12 Strawberries, 12 Dipped Cookies(Upgrade) ~ (+ $36.94)

Delivery Date:
Saturday Delivery

Attract attention with our large chocolate covered strawberries & large dipped chocolate chip cookies.  Make this a day they will never forget.

Three strawberries will be decorated with "Call Me" per dozen in the 1 and 2 dozen versions, 2 strawberries will have it in the half dozen versions.

You'll select your delivery date during checkout: to ensure freshness your berries will be dipped, decorated and shipped the day before and delivered overnight.


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